
In Conversation: What Do We Do About Alumni Giving Now?

Recorded on: June 29, 2023

So, U.S. News & World Report has removed alumni giving as one of the ranking criteria for colleges & universities.  If you’ve been around higher ed fundraising a minute or two, you know how much emphasis has been placed on alumni participation rates, so this is either the best thing that’s ever happened or the potential end of the Annual Fund as we know it.   What do we do about it?  How do we feel about it?  And what does it mean for overall fundraising for higher education, especially in light of the alarming reports about the decline in number of households giving to nonprofits?

Join Lynne Wester, Principal and Founder of The DRG Group, and T. Clay Buck, CFRE, iWave’s Lead Fundraising Coach “In Conversation” about alumni giving, implications on fundraising and prospect development, and how this decision might impact the entire sector.  And, absolutely, we’ll touch on implications for Canadian higher ed fundraising, too, so this discussion is for everyone.

Lynne and Clay are also the co-hosts of the #1 nonprofit podcast Fundraising is Funny, so while this will be a highly professional and informative webinar, there will very likely be a lot of laughter, some hilarious anecdotes, and a punchline that’ll help you frame how to approach alumni giving.  And snacks.  There will definitely be snacks.