Fundraising Thermometer

Fundraising Goal:


Raised so far:


Hex Color:


Create your thermometer

  1. Enter dollar amounts for Fundraising Goal & Raised so far
  2. Enter a Hex colour (don't include #) to customize the fill colour.
  3. Click Update Thermometer

Download your thermometer

Right-click the image and select 'Save Image As...' to download.

What is a Fundraising Thermometer?

A fundraising thermometer is a visual tool commonly used by nonprofits to illustrate their fundraising progress towards a specific goal. It is usually displayed as a classic thermometer with a fill level that rises as donations accumulate. The thermometer’s cap represents the fundraising target, while the level of the fill symbolizes the total donations received so far. This illustration engages potential donors and communicates the urgency and the impact of their contributions towards meeting the fundraising goal.

Why Do Nonprofits Need a Fundraising Thermometer?

Transparent Progress Tracking:

The fundraising thermometer transparently displays the real-time progress of your fundraising efforts, showing how much has been raised against your target. This transparency helps build trust and credibility with your donors and target audience alike.

  1. Trust Building: When donors see that their contributions directly impact the progress of the fundraising campaign, they feel more confident in their decision to donate.
  2. Accountability: The real-time display of your fundraising progress holds your organization accountable. It shows your commitment to your goals and to your supporters who want to see their contributions making a difference. It shows them that you are happy to share the details about where you stand.
  3. Engagement: The visual updates engage your donors and keep them interested in the progress of the campaign. They will want to check back regularly to see how much closer you are to reaching your goal.
  4. Motivation: Seeing the progress can motivate potential individual donors from your target audience to contribute and help reach the target. It can encourage people who have already donated to make additional contributions or motivate them to share the campaign with others to stimulate more donations.
  5. Goal Visualization: The fundraising thermometer provides a clear and intuitive visual representation of your goal. It shows at a glance how much has been raised, how much is left to raise, and where you stand in relation to your overall target. This helps to make your goal more tangible and achievable in the eyes of your supporters.

Encourages More Giving:

The visual nature of the fundraising thermometer can stimulate further donations by showing donors exactly how their contributions help move closer to the target. It can inspire more generosity as the goal gets nearer, invoking a sense of urgency and momentum.

  1. Visual Motivation: By showcasing the collective progress made towards the fundraising goal, the thermometer encourages others to contribute. Potential donors are often more motivated to give when they can see their contribution is part of a larger collective effort.
  2. Sense of Urgency: As the “mercury” rises closer to the goal, it creates a sense of urgency. Donors are spurred to give sooner rather than later to help reach the target.
  3. Contribution Impact: The real-time update of the fundraising thermometer allows donors to see the immediate impact of their contribution, which can be a powerful motivator for them and for others to donate more.
  4. Community Building: Seeing the collective efforts of all donors can foster a sense of community. Donors feel they are part of a group effort to achieve a shared goal, which can encourage additional donations and spread the word to their network.
  5. Goal Completion Satisfaction: The closer the thermometer gets to the target, the more satisfying it is to contribute, as donors can see that their contributions are directly helping to complete the goal. This satisfaction can inspire additional donations and repeat giving.

Brand Visibility:

Our customized fundraising thermometer allows you to incorporate your nonprofit’s brand color and logo, helping maintain brand consistency across your fundraising activities.

  1. Brand Recognition: Incorporating your logo and brand colors into the fundraising thermometer allows supporters and potential donors to instantly recognize your organization. This constant visual reinforcement fosters familiarity and trust in your brand.
  2. Consistency: Consistent use of your brand elements across all platforms, including fundraising tools like the thermometer, ensures a unified and professional image. This consistency is key in strengthening your brand identity and helps you stand out in a crowded nonprofit sector.
  3. Brand Trust: Displaying your branding prominently on the fundraising thermometer allows donors to confidently associate their contributions with your trusted brand. This can enhance their sense of security and trust in the donation process.
  4. Brand Storytelling: The fundraising thermometer can be used as an effective storytelling tool. By adding your brand elements, you can create a compelling narrative about your organization’s mission and the purpose of the fundraising campaign. This can emotionally engage donors and encourage their participation in your cause.
  5. Extend your reach: Donors who see and recognize your brand consistently are more likely to become advocates for your cause. By sharing your branded fundraising thermometer on their own networks, they can help extend your reach and potentially attract more donations.

Setting Clear Goals for Fundraising Campaigns

Setting clear and realistic fundraising goals is crucial for the success of your campaigns. Here’s how you can effectively set your goals:

Evaluate Past Campaigns:

Review your previous campaigns to understand your fundraising capacity and identify potential areas for improvement.

  1. Understand Your Donor Base: Past campaigns can help you identify who your donors are, their donation habits, and what motivates them to give.
  2. Identify Successful Strategies: Look for patterns and tactics that led to higher donations in your previous campaigns. Consider adopting these successful strategies in your current and future campaigns.
  3. Measure Performance: Evaluate your past campaigns against their set targets. Understanding your past performance can provide a realistic baseline for setting your future goals.
  4. Learn from Mistakes: Past campaigns can also highlight strategies that did not work as well. Understanding these can help you avoid making the same mistakes.
  5. Evaluate Engagement Channels: Review which communication channels (emails, social media, events, etc.) yielded the most engagement and donations in your previous campaigns. This can guide your choice of channels in future campaigns.
  6. Refine Messaging: By analyzing feedback and donor response from past campaigns, you can refine your messaging to make it more compelling and effective for your future fundraising efforts.

Define Purpose:

Clearly state what the funds will be used for. This provides transparency and encourages donors to contribute towards a tangible cause. You can use the fundraising thermometer as a visual representation of where you want to be and what would be the outcome.

  1. Transparency: By defining the purpose of your fundraising, you provide donors with a clear understanding of where their funds will go, promoting transparency and trust.
  2. Connect with donors at a deeper level: When donors understand the purpose of their donations, they can connect more deeply with your cause. This connection often leads to higher engagement and increased donations.
  3. Measurable Impact: Defining the purpose allows you to later share the impact of the funds raised. This can be a powerful motivator for future donations.
  4. Goal Setting: A well-defined purpose can help in setting a realistic fundraising target, as it provides a basis for estimating the funds required.
  5. Motivation for Donors: Understanding the impact of their contributions can motivate donors to give more generously, and can even encourage repeat donations.

Set a Realistic Target:

The goal should be ambitious to inspire donations, yet attainable so as not to discourage potential donors.

  1. Assess Fundraising Capacity: Look at your organization’s past fundraising performance and donor base to determine a realistic target that aligns with your capabilities.
  2. Consider Project Needs: Take into account the financial requirements of your project or cause. Ensure your target covers these costs but is still within the realm of what your donors can provide.
  3. Analyze Donor Giving Patterns: Review your donors’ giving patterns, including average donation amounts and frequency, to inform your target setting.
  4. Factor in Fundraising Costs: Remember to include the costs associated with running the campaign (marketing, events, platform fees, etc.) when setting your fundraising target.
  5. Incorporate a Buffer: Consider adding a buffer to your target to account for unexpected costs or lower than anticipated donations.
  6. Adjust as Necessary: Remain flexible and open to adjusting your target if circumstances change or if your campaign gains more momentum than anticipated.


Your fundraising goal should have a clear end date. This adds a sense of urgency and helps motivate quicker donations.

Daily Use Cases of Fundraising Thermometer

  1. Social Media: Share updates of your customized fundraising thermometer on social media platforms to keep your followers engaged and informed about the progress.
  2. Email Newsletters: Include the fundraising thermometer in your email newsletters to donors. This not only updates them about the progress but also encourages further donations.
  3. Events: Display your fundraising thermometer during live events to stimulate donations. This can also instigate a sense of communal participation and unity towards achieving the goal.

You can use our fundraising thermometer visual to express your campaign’s progress, encourage more donations, and ultimately help you meet your fundraising goals.