
Matching Gifts from Affinaquest’s GiftPlus is a database of matching gift companies, subsidiaries and divisions that match employee gifts to nonprofit institutions & organizations. GiftPlus has all the information you need to collect matching funds such as contact information, procedures and deadlines, minimum/maximum match amounts, eligibility requirements, restrictions and conditions and even a link to the company’s matching gift request form.

Affinaquest features one dataset:

  1. Matching Gifts: Identify matching gifts companies and subsidiaries that match employee gifts with information including contact information, procedures and deadlines, minimum/maximum match amounts, and eligibility requirements.

With Matching Gifts from Affinaquest, You Can:

  • Maximize every gift by finding organizations that will match their employee’s donations to your organization to double or even triple your donations.
  • Make it easy for your donors to have their gifts matched by providing them with their company’s matching gift request form.


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